Lukas SkyeComment

Papooz - The sexy French duo and their infectious sound

Lukas SkyeComment
Papooz - The sexy French duo and their infectious sound

There I was standing in a crowded basement venue on the East side of Portland. After a few vodka cranberries and an ever growing apprehension to see what all the hype was about, a thick accented French man in a sports coat walked up to the mic to introduce the evenings talent. The room was already filled to the brim with a sensual 50’s nostalgia and it immediately began to overflow with charisma as the band took the stage.

It was like walking straight into an old film where Armand Penicaut and Ulysse Cottin, the bands frontmen, were the main stars. Styled from head to toe in tweed suits and colorful garms, the act was reminiscent of Beach Boys show, if the beach boys had ten times the swagger. A show full of infectious pop synths, just enough glitz to keep it pretty and more than enough rough rhythm to keep it sexy. It was immediately obvious to me that this band could steal not only your heart, but your girlfriend along with it. Knowing that Papooz was going to become an even bigger success than they already were after their first American go-around, I reached out to Armand Penicaut himself to tell me a bit about tour, the creative process and plans for the future.

How is your American tour going? is there anything that surprised you about the US?

We’re back in France now, just arrived from Mexico City yesterday afternoon. Things here are gettin’ crazy with coronavirus. We’re all confined in different places of the country. I’m writing you from our drummer’s girlfriend house. We’re by the sea and the sun is out. Anyway… This tour was amazing, we had tons of fun traveling around America and meeting our fans. We came back exhausted and happy. It was a teenage dream to tour out there. I think the most surprising thing about the US is the ability of its people to live together in so many different places. It really looks like 50 different countries in one. 

Your shows are very crazy, how do you keep your energy up on the road?

At first we all told each other we ain’t gonna party to keep healthy. First show in Brooklyn, we all went back to the hotel at 6 am… We all tried no to drink too much, didn’t do any drugs, slept in the van between cities when we had the opportunity… Personally I adopted a very strict diet of beef jerky, rye and marlboro lights during the first week we were touring canada. Then I had to stop because of the smell. I just couldn’t bare it anymore. Sleep depravation kinda gets to you at first, then when you let it slides your body gets used to it, and you only live for the hour and a half of fun you’re having in the evening. 

Tell me a bit about your newest release, Figs and Gorgonzola and what that song means to you?

I wrote it a year ago. I was experiencing writer’s block and I was thinking about new songwriting techniques to overcome that issue. I found out that I could put myself easily in my friends shoes. So I pretended to be our cellist - Gabriel Mimouni - and wrote a song about him in 10 minutes (I’d rather be the moon/Unreleased yet). It was one of those moments badly portrayed in Hollywood films, like Joachim Phoenix when he sings “I hear the train coming” in Walk the Line… I used the same technique thinking about Ulysse’s mother. She always cooks figs & gorgonzola in the summer. I thought it was a nice metaphor for love. It’s a song about relationships and how time is a killer. 

Anything you can tell us about new music or projects?

We’re currently working on our third album. We’re just waiting for Corona virus to get the fuck out in order for everyone to get back together and cut some tracks. Ulysse did the score of Antoine de Bary first feature film: “Nos jours de gloire". I might release an album I did with my good friend Lewis Lazar ( he’s like a son to me) from Oracle Sisters. Now is the time, people are bored at home and need some new stuff to look at.

 Who are your ultimate inspirations in life?

I don’t really believe in inspiration. The inspiration for me is to get at my desk, pick up my guitar & try to write as much as I can everyday. It’s like going fishing. I believe in Plato’s world of ideas. Light bulbs are floating around us all the time and we all have the ability to let them in. Songs are like that. It’s a pretty magical thing. They are floatin’ all around you, and if you care enough, one might pop in your brain, and then you only have a couple of minutes to catch it. I live for that moment. 

If you could give any piece of advice to the people that look up to you, what would it be?

Keep up the good work! It’s all a matter of being there.

Upcoming Shows?

All upcoming spring shows are cancelled because of  corona virus… We still can’t believe how lucky we were to complete our US tour! 

If you can’t wait for their third album to come out and need a fix, check out the video for “Theatrical State of Mind” below!

-Lukas Skye