Lukas SkyeComment

Charlie Edwardz - Your New Favorite Tattoo Artist Influencer

Lukas SkyeComment
Charlie Edwardz - Your New Favorite Tattoo Artist Influencer

I was fifteen years old lying on a table in the spare bedroom of a man I had met ten minutes prior when I received my first tattoo, a Mac Miller inspired sun on my right hip. The excitement at the thought of a piece of art staining my skin forever masked the discomfort and pain of the needle piercing my skin. So very proud of my decision, I stared at that tattoo the whole way home and many days after. Several years and multiple tattoos later, its my least favorite piece. It’s no secret that all tattoo artists are not created equally, the blotchy ink on my hip can attest to that. But what exactly is it besides general talent that sets artists apart? Passion? Attitude? Not taking $20 from any given fifteen year old? Probably all of the above.

My personal fascination with the world of body art started at a young age and I know many of my peers had the same experience. When I first came across Charlie Edwardz, the 20 year old English Tattoo artist and model, it sparked a further interest into the personal passions and creative fervor of the people who are doing it right. I got ahold of Charlie to bring clarity to my own questions about the industry, as well as some insight into his life for his massive accumulation of fans all over the world to enjoy.

How long have you been tattooing and what sent you down that path?

So, I started tattooing at 17 years old, I was studying at art college for a year and a half and was working as a potwasher part time so I had some spare income, I decided to drop out of college to pursue a career in tattooing because it was always something that I was interested in, I’d toyed with the idea of doing it ever since I started doing little drawings at a young age. I wanted the freedom to create without restrictions and I’m happy I’ve now found a medium to express my art.

How would you describe your personal style?

I’m currently still crafting my specific style of tattooing but I like to tattoo mainly black and grey, incorporating various different styles of tattooing to make my own, I also have just began to incorporate script into my tattoos that I do, this is also something I’ve only just started properly doing. It was always something that I wanted to do but it’s taken some practice to fully understand how to draw and tattoo it, also how to include it into as many of my pieces as possible.

How has your creative process changed throughout the years as you’ve progressed?

The more experience I get with tattooing the more I discover new techniques and abilities, I believe every artist is an “apprentice” for their whole career, as creatives we never stop learning new things and exploring new ideas!

Tell me a bit about your goals and aspirations in the Tattoo and modeling realm?

The tattooing is my passion, creating art is what I’ve always wanted to do and I’ve always wanted to push my own style of work to my clients, the modelling was something that just came out of know where, I was collecting lots of tattoos from various different artists and the got approached by Asos and various other different agency’s, then started to work as a model alongside my career as a tattoo artist. As far as where I want to take it all over the upcoming years, I’m looking at starting a YouTube channel in order to help and inspire people to get into both of the industries I work in as I get asked a lot for help and advice, I’m looking forward to seeing where this next endeavor takes me.

You can find Charlie Edwardz on instagram as @Charlieedwardz as well as his personal tattoo account

By Lukas Skye

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